Private Hangars

Hangars – General Aviation Precinct

A dedicated general aviation precinct is located to the north of the terminal building with serviced lots available for long term lease. The lease areas of the lots range from 150sqm to 800sqm.

All lots are serviced with water, power, sewer and telecommunications.

If you are interested please complete the form and a member of our friendly airport team will be in contact to provide you with further information.

Hangar Hire

A limited amount of existing hangar space is available for casual hire at Busselton Margaret River Airport. The rate for casual hire is $220 (inclusive of GST) per week.

Please contact us if you are interested in casual hangar hire.

Hangars – General Aviation Precinct – Registration of Interest

The City of Busselton is looking to construct hangars for lease. A Registration of Interest process is now open for interested parties to consider.

If you are interested please click on the link. BMRA EOI GA Precinct 2021

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