Commercial Opportunities

Landmark Investment Opportunity

The Busselton Margaret River Airport is one of the most important, strategically located airports in regional Western Australia.

The airport is strategically positioned only 6.8km from the Busselton city centre, 30 minutes from the City of Bunbury and 45 minute drive from Margaret River with excellent road transport links to Perth.

The newly upgraded airport services private and commercial activities, provides freight options for the well-established agriculture and manufacturing industries and supports the region’s vibrant tourism and events industry.

The City of Busselton owns freehold the 206Ha precinct and is open to considering any investment opportunities relating to the general aviation, commercial and industrial precinct or the airport precinct in its entirety.

Aviation Profile

General Aviation Hub

A dedicated General Aviation Precinct has been created with fully serviced lots available for the construction of private and commercial hangars.  Lots range from 150sqm to 800sqm, with direct airside and apron access are serviced with water, power, and telecommunications.

Suitable for lease for business related to:

  • Aviation engineering, maintenance and servicing
  • Maintenance and repair or overhaul
  • Flight training
  • Aeromedical and emergency services

Commercial and Industrial Precinct

15 hectares of greenfield development area with potential to deliver lots sizes between 1,500 sqm and 3ha suited to a wide range of industrial and business uses requiring large, flat sites including:

  • Airline support services
  • Freight and logistics
  • Aviation engineering, maintenance and servicing
  • Light, specialised industrial and technology
  • Warehousing
  • Commercial and office facilities

Click the link below for more information or contact the Airport Manager to discuss.

COB Location Map

BMRA Industrial Land Flyer

Commercial Opportunities Form

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Investment Portfolio

The Busselton Margaret River Airport is one of the most important, strategically located airports in regional Western Australia.  Demonstrating over 70% overall passenger growth over the past two years.

The upgraded BMRA has vast potential to activate aviation related industries, including engineering and maintenance and FIFO sector.

Click the link below for more information.

Investment Portfolio